Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Service project

There is no organization for the mission I volunteered for. I volunteered for my neighbor on March 2nd. This experience took place at my neighbors house from 10am-3:30pm. No one else was with my, besides my elderly neighbor with dementia (aka, the man I was watching over). His wife and daughter were not around, as his wife had to go bury her son.  I watched over the elderly man in his bed, and attended to all his needs and ensured that he was safe and sound in his hospital bed, not to move. I had to keep him occupied, which is kind of hard due to the fact that he doesn't remember anything and had no interest of staying focused on any subjects. I fed him when he was hungry, gave him water, and had to give him his pills when he was getting frustrated and angry. There was a lot of communication, but a lot of it was the same due to the fact he really didn't remember me, I had to constantly explain that I have been his neighbor for over a decade, and that I was here to watch him. I tried to keep a very soothing tone, due to the fact that he would get aggressive easily if he felt frightened. I was able to watch him fully with little or no argument while the mans wife was able to bury their son. He enjoyed seeing me in the beginning (or so it seemed) and wished for me to come by often, but when his 81 year old wife came home, he accused me boyfriend for talking to her without him and told me to never come back. His wife really thanked me, since she has no one else to watch him and trusted me over a babysitting company (since they tend to snoop around and could possibly take stuff). It was a little different to the baby sitting I was used to,  you have to really watch what you say to the man due to his forgetfulness and his ability to rage very quickly; but I did enjoy it. I would do it again, just not for such a long time as he started to become suspicious of where his wife was (we decided not to tell him where she went so he wouldn't get sad).

Monday, April 13, 2015

Speaking sources

Palaniswamy, Usha R. "Vegetarianism and Human Health." Hort Technology 13.2 (2003): 243-51. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
original: The term vegetarianism generally refers to a diet that is free from meats on the basis of religious, spiritual, ethical, economic, hygiene, and environmental considerations or the simple desire for better health , free from chronic diseases

1) Vegetarianism refers to a diet which includes no meat due to religious, spiritual, ethical, economical, hygiene, and/or environmental reasons or simply to live a healthy, disease free life. 

2) Vegetarians eat no meat because of religion, spiritual ethical, economical, hygiene reasons, or simply to live a healthier lifestyle.

3) Vegetarianism is when one eats no meats because for a specific reason, or to simply better their health and reduce the risk of diseases.

"Becoming a Vegetarian." Harvard Health. N.p., 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. <>.

Original: appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

1) Properly planned vegetarian diets are nutritionally healthy and can benefit reduce the risk of disease.

2) "Correct" vegetarian diets are healthy and can reduce and prevent the chance of diseases.

3)  Vegan and vegetarian diets are both nutritionally healthy, and if done correctly can help prevent and treat certain health diseases.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Source research

Source A- Fox, Michael A. "Vegetarianism and Planetary Health." Indiana University Press 5.2 (2000): 163-74. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

Is there any evidence from Source A that supports any of the claims made in the other sources?
Source A and source B both has multiple claims about how a vegetarian diet is good for you and how they can prevent you from having heart disease and possibly stops cancer.
Is there any evidence from Source A that challenges or refutes any of the claims made in the other sources? 
Source A somewhat refutes source C in the event that vegetarianism isn't always a healthy diet since technically eating a cheese pizza, pop, and candy is being "vegetarian".
How does Source A help the reader to better understand the other sources? 
Source A helps build on the fact of source D; it gives the exact percentage that heart disease is reduced when those who are omnivorous begin vegetarian diets.
Imagine your sources as people you are introducing to each other for the first time. How would you introduce them to each other?
I would introduce source A and state how they might know each other (or there relevance; degrees) then introduce source B and include his degrees and lastly show how they both agree or refute to start a conversation between themselves.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

"Becoming a Vegetarian." Harvard Health. N.p., 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
In the Harvard study, the writer first begins to talk about how vegetarian diets are considerably “healthier” than omnivorous diets which include red meats since red meats have been shown to have cancer causing chemicals. It also goes along and states that just because you are a vegetarian, does not necessarily mean that it is a healthier diet since technically, “ A diet of soda, cheese pizza, and candy, after all” is being vegetarian. To stay healthy, you must consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and ensure that you are still getting your daily vitamins. The paper goes along and gives many types of common vegetarians there are, and how lists how becoming a “real” vegetarian can lower heart disease and cancer.
Fox, Michael A. "Vegetarianism and Planetary Health." Indiana University Press 5.2 (2000): 163-74. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.
Fox starts off by stating that even a vegan diet is healthier than a diet with meat from a nutritional standpoint. Eating meat in general is unhealthy, not only because of the health disadvantages, but also the parasites and worms that can be found in numerous meats such as pork, and beef. There is also a direct correlation between high meat consumption and increased probability of breast, colon, other cancers, heart diseases, and even atherosclerosis, all which are high leading causes of death in north america.
At the same time, if everyone became vegetarians, it would free up lands to plant more crops, freeing up nearly. Just by substituting the current grass-feeding livestock system with a grain and grass system in canada, it would free up nearly 340 million tons of grain for export each year; which could possibly help end world hunger.
Hart, Jane, M.D. "The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet." Alternative & Complementary Therapies 15.2 (2009): 64-68. Web.
Many Humans, regardless of the diet they choose to have, seems as if they should have nutritionist to watch there eating to ensure that they are consuming the recommended daily allowances of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, as many humans are not. Both vegetarians and nonvegetarians need to make an effort to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods and lower their intakes of saturated fats and sugars.
It seems to be harder for vegetarians to intake all of these nutrients daily and infact, “Many of the vegetarian studies showed people’s difficulty in adhering to such a diet strictly, and other studies point to the potentially dangerous pitfalls of lacking certain nutrients when following a vegetarian diet”. Lastly, we must keep in mind that when adhering to a vegetarian diet, some health benefits such as reducing your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease take years to see (17 years in the study), so when switching, one must be certain that that is the lifestyle he wishes to live.
Marsh, Kate, PhD, and Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD. "Vegetarian Diets and Diabetes." American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (2010): 135-40. Sage Journals. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.
A well-planned vegetarian diet is consistent with the current recommendations that are established for diabetes and may in fact have many benefits over a meat-based diet for those with diabetes and those at risk. For those who are not willing to make a complete change over to a vegetarian diet, that is fine, but still try to reduce your intake of red and processed meats and increase your intake of the amount of plant foods. Just the simple increase of plant intake can still have significant benefits for the prevention and management of diabetes than one without.
As quoted in the text, “Higher intakes of cereal fiber and whole grains typical of a vegetarian diet have been associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in several studies” which is a direct statement that the more vegetables you eat, the less of a risk you have of getting type 2 diabetes. The text also has multiple, long term studies between the correlation of both men and women who eat red and processed meats, those who only eat fish, and those who only eat plants and percentages of those who ended up receiving diabetes.
Palaniswamy, Usha R. "Vegetarianism and Human Health." Hort Technology 13.2 (2003): 243-51. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
In “Vegetarianism and Human Health”, Usha talks about the history of human vegetarianism dates back to a time before recorded history and how many early humans consumed most/ if not all plant and vegetable diets. He goes on to talk about how Vegetarianism came back to life in the present times due to the incredibly well health benefits that come with and even prolonged health; hence causing a new revolutionary vegetarian food movement.
The Harvard study includes information and numbers about how much vegetarianism reduces one's chances for cancer and heart disease while also showing you which foods to consume to give you your daily nutrients. The “Vegetarianism and Human Health” studies show how fruits and vegetables that no only give you daily nutrients, but how they give you other things such as antioxidants, how they are anti-inflammatories, and how they stimulate the immune system to keep you in good health.

Project Proposal

Project Proposal
My ideas for the vegetarian paper is to firstly about the history of vegetarianism and how it has been around for thousands of years (Vegetarianism and Good Health).
Next I wish to talk about how regardless whether you are a vegetarian or a omnivore, you still must consume your daily recommended nutrients (The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet).
I will then go on to talk about the definition of what a vegetarian is and how if done right, you can live a healthier lifestyle than those who eat meat (use the candy and pizza does make you a vegetarian, but not a healthy one) (Becoming a Vegetarian).
 I will then show how vegetarianism is linked to a healthier lifestyle and by eating a lot of fruits, it can stimulate good health. (The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet)  I am still trying to figure out where I will place the fact that some benefits such as lowered cardiovascular disease will not occur for years, so once you switch, be sure to stick with it somewhere, but I know it will be somewhere in this general area of the paper.
Next, I will link a few of the long term studies from the multiple sources which show how both men and women who have eaten red meats or processed meats have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and atherosclerosis and even how eating red meats have worms and other insects that can harm you (Vegetarianism and Planetary Health).  
After showing the numbers, not only can peoples health benefit, but if done as a whole, the world can benefit (possibly throw in how to end hunger..?) (talking about how if we reduce the amount of “grass fed” animals, and use the space for crop plantation instead, we could yield way more grain or vegetables)(Vegetarianism and Planetary Health).
As of now, I am working on my thesis as I realized I want to include more than just why it’s healthier. For now my thesis stands at “To what extent does having a vegetarian diet benefit health opposed to a omnivorous one.” but must reword it to remove health and fit in how it helps the world.
Three questions I would like to explore are:
Exactly how beneficial can it be to become a vegetarian?
How can becoming a vegetarian effect the world as a whole?
How is the worlds food resources affected when large groups become vegetarians?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Three Sources from Scholarly Journals with MLA Citations

Hart, Jane, M.D. "The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet." Alternative & Complementary Therapies 15.2 (2009): 64-68. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Tester, Jodie. "Vegetarian diets and blood pressure." Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine 26.4 (2014): 162. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Trapp, Caroline, M.S.N, and Susan Levin, M.S. "Preparing to Prescribe Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment." Diabetes Spectrum 25.1 (2012): 38-44. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Describing a place

4 Big TVs- allows people to watch TV and enjoy their meal at the same time
3 small TVs- more convenient; tells multiple people to see whats being served today
2 main entrances- allows for easier entrance and exit of student
4 main doors for kitchen - because once you are in the main entrance and not passing buy, you must be definitely getting food.
2 cash registers- so people can spend more time eating there food then waiting in line
6 booths- for people who don't want to be bothered on a table or maybe they're hiding
15 tall 2 man tables- been stopping teams from awkwardly having to split up into 4- 4 man tabled and having to pick who they want to sit with
colorful low lighting- enough to see your food, but not enough to make it feel like your being innterigated.
21- 4 man tables. because not everyone comes in with 10 friends to eat with every day.
10- long, short rectangle tables - contradicts the post above.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Rhetorical Anaylasis Ad

Oh Goodyear...I was going to look for something to do with lifeguards, but this is way more funnier

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How I succeeded to fail at drawing.

After watching the short video about the comedian who was basically told to reevaluate his life because comedy wasn't for him, I realized that there were a few times that I've had my "magical black man" tell me not to continue on also. The first I can easily remember was when I was in high school. Going in freshman year, I really wanted to learn how to draw well. I figured if I took a drawing class once a semester for 8 semesters, by the end of senior year ill practically be an artist! By the end of my sophomore year, I started to realize that drawing just wasn't for me. My drawing teacher knew my work wasn't improving, but realized I was putting in the effort. After trying to help me over and over for the first 2 years in art, she decided to redirect me in the art world instead of just directly telling me "you suck at drawing". I had a passion for colors and others' artwork, but mine just never came out looking how I liked. She told me to try a more hands on approach and try ceramics; and the next year I did. Ceramics allowed free my mind of all the objects I wanted to create by allowing me to physically form them with clay, as drawing wasn't my strong point. I still thanked my drawing teacher even a year after not seeing her, for being my "magical black man" (I didn't exactly say that word for word) and giving me her honest opinion and realizing that it wasn't working out in the drawing world. Instead of giving up complete hope, she redirected me to something that was still in the art field which I soon learned I really enjoyed. Overall, I accepted the fact I stink at drawing, but managed to pick up a new talent of pottery and sculpting on the way.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Professor responses

Dear Dr Walts,
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it into class today due to a family emergency. I am unsure when I will be able to return, but will try to make it back sometime this week to pick up the work before the weekend to have it back to you by Monday morning. If you could please email or upload any documents or power points we went over in class, I would greatly appreciate it. Ill be sure to stay caught up by getting my notes from a fellow classmate. I apologize in advance for the last minute notice.

Your 1PM Monday student,
Ronnie Haleem

ayyo, i wanna tell you something. im not coming today. someone died. If i miss anything, just lemme make it up. I got good connections. my boi got tons of followers on Insta, insta, twitter, google plus, and even youtube. Hill give you a shoutout so your page'll be bangin stat. Forreal doe I need this class.
Love you,
Ronnie from Lockport

Monday, January 26, 2015

Birmingham city Jail Excerpts

"My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in civil rights without determined legal and nonviolent pressure. Lamentably, it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture; but, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups tend to be more immoral than individuals."
" My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in civil rights without legal and nonviolent pressure. History is the long and tragic story of the fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and give up their unjust posture; but as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups are more immoral than individuals.

I chose this passage because the final quote just stood out to me. MLK Jr, is just so concise and peaceful when going about his letter. He seems very passive to the white people and reminds them that "groups are more immoral than individuals" in hopes that the people will realize that when they are in a group, they do things that they would not do alone. When in a group, they can sometimes become animals as they feel that they are unstoppable, as morals are forgotten. He also talks about how he is still fighting for his rights, and how the white man will not let go of there "privileges". He uses the word privilege almost as a way to make the white people realize that maybe instead of resisting, they should realize that change has arrived and that there "privileges" were only privileges and never a right. He goes on to show that African Americans are struggling to make movement and that they are forced to use legal and nonviolence pressure to make any gain, which just seems like a shame. All they want is equal rights and the fact that they have to legally and nonviolently pressure people into giving them up is disgusting and that they should think more morally.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Examples from the Declaration of independence

Simple-  Nor have we been wanting attentions to our Brittish brethren.
Compound- For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
Complex sentence- He has refused his Asset to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
Compound Complex- We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we conjured them by the tics of our common kindred to disavow these usurpation, which, would inevitable interrupt our connections and correspondence.