Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Project Proposal

Project Proposal
My ideas for the vegetarian paper is to firstly about the history of vegetarianism and how it has been around for thousands of years (Vegetarianism and Good Health).
Next I wish to talk about how regardless whether you are a vegetarian or a omnivore, you still must consume your daily recommended nutrients (The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet).
I will then go on to talk about the definition of what a vegetarian is and how if done right, you can live a healthier lifestyle than those who eat meat (use the candy and pizza does make you a vegetarian, but not a healthy one) (Becoming a Vegetarian).
 I will then show how vegetarianism is linked to a healthier lifestyle and by eating a lot of fruits, it can stimulate good health. (The Health Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet)  I am still trying to figure out where I will place the fact that some benefits such as lowered cardiovascular disease will not occur for years, so once you switch, be sure to stick with it somewhere, but I know it will be somewhere in this general area of the paper.
Next, I will link a few of the long term studies from the multiple sources which show how both men and women who have eaten red meats or processed meats have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and atherosclerosis and even how eating red meats have worms and other insects that can harm you (Vegetarianism and Planetary Health).  
After showing the numbers, not only can peoples health benefit, but if done as a whole, the world can benefit (possibly throw in how to end hunger..?) (talking about how if we reduce the amount of “grass fed” animals, and use the space for crop plantation instead, we could yield way more grain or vegetables)(Vegetarianism and Planetary Health).
As of now, I am working on my thesis as I realized I want to include more than just why it’s healthier. For now my thesis stands at “To what extent does having a vegetarian diet benefit health opposed to a omnivorous one.” but must reword it to remove health and fit in how it helps the world.
Three questions I would like to explore are:
Exactly how beneficial can it be to become a vegetarian?
How can becoming a vegetarian effect the world as a whole?
How is the worlds food resources affected when large groups become vegetarians?

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