Sunday, October 26, 2014

-Havard Gazette- What could possibly go wrong?

In the article by Alvin Powell, Powell interviews food specialist and Harvard Graduate, Walter Willet. Powell begins asking the interview by asking about Willet's family tree beginning with his grand father. Powell then asks about Willet's fathers background in hopes to see or figure out a pattern about how Willet got into being a food specialist. 
Walter's family coming from a farm, Walter was always into diet and health. He got his degree in Physics and from their his uncle got Walter even more interested in Physics. What Walter soon realized though was that he was more interested in being outside and less indoor, lab-type projects and experiments. So to solve his problem, Walter decided to have the best of both worlds and decided to go into food physics and nutrition.
From there on out, he has worked with others in conducting heath studies and came back with many interesting results. With his results, he publishes, he has managed to educate the public in one of his more famous studies about how a moderate diet could drop many heath concerns such as a heart and cardiovascular disease by nearly 90% and cancers by over 50%!
After conducting many other studies, Walter ended up going back to Harvard and becoming a professor.

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