Tyson, Kim. "Developments and Future Trends In Lifeguarding."Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation & Dance. 61.5
(1990): 40. Web.Lifeguards have started to take on a whole new image then what was portrayed of them in the past. With more and more water facility being build every year, more and more lifeguards have been trained to watch them. What was once a easy seasonal job now requires highly specialized skills. As time goes on,many facilities are slowly starting to realize that their lifeguards are basically the first responders. Every year, more and more facilities are changing their techniques to better fit the position. It has come to a point where lifeguards have basically become EMTS. Basic lifeguards are required to know first aid, CPR, AR, and even must trained to use a automated external defibrillator. As time goes on, lifeguards are stepping up there game as more and more lives are being saved each year due to the quick reaction and knowledge lifeguards must now know.
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